
Friday, April 4, 2008


Spirulina are free-floating filamentous cyanobacteria characterized by cylindrical, multicellular trichomes in an open left-hand helix. Spirulina occurs naturally in tropical and subtropical lakes with high pH and high concentrations of carbonate and bicarbonate.

Spirulina is the ultimate natural nutritional supplement. It contains the most complete source of nutrients found in any single food. Spirel Spirulina typically contains over 65% protein, more than any other food including meat and fish. Proteins are necessary for maintaining tissues, sustaining growth and making hormones in the body. Spirulina contains the eight essential and 10 other amino acids and a greater concentration of vitamins and nutrients than any other natural food. Just 3 to 10 grams of Spirel Spirulina a day gives impressive amounts of beta carotene, B complex vitamins, Vitamin E, essential trace minerals and gamma linolenic acid (GLA). Spirulina is also a major source of iron and calcium.
posted by Hemalatha at 12:06 PM


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