
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Fresh Vegetable Juices

Fresh Vegetable Juices

"When you don't feel well, stop eating and go to juices."

herbal_juicer_champion2.jpg (7858 bytes)Juices are like a blood transfusion.
A glass of fruit and vegetable juice takes very little digestion, if any. It goes right into your body. We look at juices in the same way a doctor would look at an I.V It's something that can go right into your bloodstream.
Dr. Richard Schulze: Juice-Fasting

Enzymes Vitamins Minerals Juicers - The most powerful healing diet !

Vegetable juicesherbal_juicer_wheat_grass.jpg (9819 bytes)

Drink every day 1 - 20 cups of freshly pressed vegetable juices !

Choose vegetable that you can tolerate

Each cup of juice may contain one, two ore few of the following:

- carrots

You can test the following combinations or create your own:

Carrots, parsley and celery
Carrots, cucumber and celery
Carrots, spinach and kale

Carrots, wheat grass and kale
Carrots and small amounts of garlic, onion and ginger
Tomato, cucumber parsley, celery and broccoli
Tomato, green pepper, celery, cucumber, parsley and a bit of sea salt

- beets
- daikon
- radishes
- FRESH celery (root and greens),
- ginger, garlic, cayenne
- wheat grass, barley grass, dinkel grass
- parsley (root and greens)
- dark green vegetables
- kale
- cucumber
- pepper
- dandalion

posted by Hemalatha at 6:28 PM


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